2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 | 1998 | 1991


  • Paolo Bocciarelli, Andrea D’Ambrogio and Gerd Wagner. Resource Modeling in Business Process Simulation. Proceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. 2022. In: B. Feng, G. Pedrielli, Y. Peng, S. Shashaani, E. Song, C.G. Corlu, L.H. Lee and P. Lendermann (Eds.). Piscataway, New Jersey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc.. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Object Event Modeling for DES and IS Engineering. Proceedings of the ER Forum 2022. October, 2022. In: Sebastian Link, Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Jelena Zdravkovic, Dominik Bork and Srinath Srinivasa (Eds.). volume 3211. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. pdf-download


  • Gerd Wagner and Mircea Diaconescu. Web Applications with Javascript or Java – Associations and Class Hierarchies. De Gruyter. 2021. volume 2. view
  • Gerd Wagner. Business Process Modeling and Simulation with DPMN: Processing Activities. Proceedings of the 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. 2021. In: S. Kim, B. Feng, K. Smith, S. Masoud, Z. Zheng, C. Szabo and M. Loper (Eds.). Piscataway, New Jersey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc.. pdf-download


  • Frances Duffy, Kamil C. Klosek, Luis Gustavo Nardin and Gerd Wagner. Rebel Group Protection Rackets: Simulating the Effects of Economic Support on Civil War Violence. Computational Conflict Research. 2020. In: E. Deutschmann, J. Lorenz, L.G. Nardin, D. Natalini and A. Wilhelm (Eds.). Computational Social Sciences. pp. 225–251. Springer, Cham. digital identifier. view
  • Gerd Wagner. Business Process Modeling and Simulation with DPMN: Resource-Constrained Activities. Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. 2020. In: K.-H. Bae, B. Feng, S. Kim, S. Lazarova-Molnar, Z. Zheng, T. Roeder, and R. Thiesing (Eds.). pp. 45–59. Piscataway, New Jersey. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc.. pdf-download


  • Gerd Wagner. Towards a Non-Proprietary Modeling Language for Processing Network Simulation. SummerSim '19: Proceedings of the 2019 Summer Simulation Conference. July, 2019. pp. Article No. 37, 1–12. Berlin, Germany. Society for Computer Simulation International. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Process Design Modeling with Extended Event Graphs. SummerSim '19: Proceedings of the 2019 Summer Simulation Conference. July, 2019. pp. Article No. 23, 1–12. Berlin, Germany. Society for Computer Simulation International. pdf-download
Technical reports
  • Gerd Wagner. Information and Process Modeling for Simulation – Part II: Activities and Processing Networks. 2019. view


  • Gerd Wagner. Model-Based Development of JavaScript Web Applications. Current Trends in Web Engineering - ICWE 2017 International Workshops. 2018. In: Irene Garrigos and Manuel Wimmer (Eds.). volume 10544. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 267–268. Springer. view
  • Gerd Wagner. Information and Process Modeling for Simulation – Part I: Objects and Events. Journal of Simulation Engineering. 2018. volume 1. view
  • Alexis Drogoul, Paul Fishwick, Nigel Gilbert, Dennis Pegden, Gerd Wagner and Levent Yilmaz. Panel Discussion: On the Unity and Diversity of Computer Simulation. Journal of Simulation Engineering. 2018. volume 1. view
  • Gerd Wagner and Luis G. Nardin. Adding Agent Concepts to Object Event Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference. 2018. In: M. Rabe, A. A. Juan, N. Mustafee, A. Skoogh, S. Jain and B. Johansson (Eds.). Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner and Mircea Diaconescu. Web Applications with Javascript or Java – Constraint Validation, Enumerations, Special Datatypes. De Gruyter. 2018. volume 1. view
Technical reports
  • Gerd Wagner. Discrete Event Process Modeling Notation (DPMN). Brandenburg University of Technology, Dept. of Informatics. 2018. view


  • Gerd Wagner. Introduction to Information and Process Modeling for Simulation. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. 2017. In: W. K. V. Chan, A.D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page (Eds.). pp. 520–534. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. An Abstract State Machine Semantics For Discrete Event Simulation. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. 2017. In: W. K. V. Chan, A.D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer and E. Page (Eds.). pp. 762–773. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Sim4edu.com – Web-Based Simulation for Education. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference. 2017. In: W. K. V. Chan, A.D'Ambrogio, G. Zacharewicz, N. Mustafee, G. Wainer, and E. Page (Eds.). pp. 4240–4251. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download


  • Gerd Wagner, Mamadou Seck and Frederick McKenzie. Process Modeling for Simulation: Observations and Open Issues. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. 2016. In: T.M.K. Roeder, P.I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S.E. Chick (Eds.). pp. 1072 ––1083. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Introduction to Simulation Using JavaScript. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference. 2016. In: T.M.K. Roeder, P.I. Frazier, R. Szechtman, E. Zhou, T. Huschka, and S.E. Chick (Eds.). pp. 148 –162. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download


  • Ion-Mircea Diaconescu and Gerd Wagner. Modeling and Simulation of Web-of-Things Systems as Multi-Agent Systems. Proceedings of the 2015 German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES). 2015. In: Jörg P. Müller, Gal Kaminka, Wolf Ketter and Gerd Wagner (Eds.). volume 9433. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. pp. 137–153. Springer Verlag. pdf-download
  • Ion-Mircea Diaconescu and Gerd Wagner. Modeling and Simulation of Web-of-Things Systems Part 1: Sensor Nodes. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. 2015. In: L. Yilmaz, W. K. V. Chan, I. Moon, T. M. K. Roeder, C. Macal and M. D. Rossetti (Eds.). pp. 3061–3072. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. isbn: 978-1-4673-9741-4. pdf-download
  • G. Guizzardi, G. Wagner, J.P.A. Almeida and R.S.S. Guizzardi. Towards Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modeling: The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) Story. Applied Ontology. 2015. volume 10. pp. 259–271. pdf-download
  • Stewart Robinson, Gilbert Arbez, Louis G. Birta, Andreas Tolk and Gerd Wagner. Conceptual Modeling: Definition, Purpose and Benefits. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. 2015. In: L. Yilmaz, W. K. V. Chan, I. Moon, T. M. K. Roeder, C. Macal and M. D. Rossetti (Eds.). pp. 2812–2826. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. pdf-download


  • Ion-Mircea Diaconescu and Gerd Wagner. Towards a General Framework for Modeling, Simulating and Building Sensor/Actuator Systems and Robots for the Web of Things. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Model-Driven Robot Software Engineering (MORSE), co-located with STAF’14, 21st July, 2014; University of York; York, UK. 2014. In: Uwe Aßmann and Gerd Wagner (Eds.). volume 1319. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. pp. 30––41. CEUR-WS.org. pdf-download
  • Oana Nicolae and Gerd Wagner. Towards a Conceptual Model and Framework for Management Games. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference. 2014. In: A. Tolk, S. Y. Diallo, I. O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S. Buckley and J. A. Miller (Eds.). pp. 3517–3527. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Tutorial: Information and Process Modeling for Simulation. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference. 2014. In: A. Tolk, S. Y. Diallo, I. O. Ryzhov, L. Yilmaz, S. Buckley and J. A. Miller (Eds.). pp. 103––117. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download


  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. Dispositions and Causal Laws as the Ontological Foundation of Transition Rules in Simulation Models. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference. 2013. In: R. Pasupathy, S.-H. Kim, A. Tolk, R. Hill and and M. E. Kuhl (Eds.). pp. 1335–1346. pdf-download
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi, Gerd Wagner, Ricardo Falbo, Joao Paulo Almeida and Renata Guizzardi. Towards Ontological Foundations for the Conceptual Modeling of Events. Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'2013). November, 2013. In: Juan C. Trujillo, Wilfred Ng and Veda Storey (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Hong Kong. Springer-Verlag. pdf-download
  • Fernando Szimanski, Celia G. Ralha, Gerd Wagner and Diogo R. Ferreira. Improving Business Process Models with Agent-Based Simulation and Process Mining. Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. 2013. In: Selmin Nurcan, Henderik A. Proper, Pnina Soffer, John Krogstie, Rainer Schmidt, Terry Halpin and Ilia Bider (Eds.). volume 147. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. pp. 124––138. Springer. isbn: 978-3-642-38483-7. Heidelberg
  • Gerd Wagner. Exploratory and Participatory Simulation. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference. 2013. In: R. Pasupathy, S.-H. Kim, A. Tolk, R. Hill and and M. E. Kuhl (Eds.). pp. 1327–1334. Piscataway, New Jersey: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.. pdf-download


  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. Tutorial: Conceptual Simulation Modeling with Onto-UML. Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference. 2012. In: C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, and A.M. Uhrmacher (Eds.). pp. 52–66. IEEE. pdf-download
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. Towards a Logic of the Ontological Dodecagon. From Philosophy to Computational Logic: Festschrift in honour of David Pearce’s first 60 years, Special Session at the 13th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (IELIA’12). 2012. In: Pedro Cabalar, Luis Farinas and Agustin Valverde (Eds.). Toulouse. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Simurena - A Web Portal for Open Educational Simulation. Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference. 2012. In: C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, and A.M. Uhrmacher (Eds.). pp. 1588−1599. IEEE. pdf-download


  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. Can BPMN Be Used for Making Simulation Models?. Enterprise and Organisational Modeling and Simulation. June, 2011. In: J. Barjis, T. Eldabi and A. Gupta (Eds.). volume 88. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. London, UK. Springer. isbn: 978-3-642-24175-8. pdf-download
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. Towards an Ontological Foundation of Agent-Based Simulation. Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference. December, 2011. In: S. Jain, R.R. Creasey, J. Himmelspach, K.P. White, and M. Fu (Eds.). Phoenix, Arizona, USA. IEEE. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Ontologies and Rules for Enterprise Modeling and Simulation. Workshops Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference. August, 2011. pp. 385–394. Helsinki, Finland. IEEE Computer Society. pdf-download


  • Ion-Mircea Diaconescu and Gerd Wagner. Agent-Based Simulation with Beliefs and SPARQL-based Ask-Reply Communication. Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS 2009). May, 2010. In: G. Di Tosto and H. V. D. Parunak (Eds.). volume 5683. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. pp. 86–97. Budapest, Hungary. Springer-Verlag. pdf-download
  • Dragan Gašević, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Kuldar Taveter and Gerd Wagner. Vocabularies, ontologies, and rules for enterprise and business process modeling and management. Journal of Information Systems. June, 2010. volume 35. number: 4. pp. 375–378. digital identifier
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. Towards an Ontological Foundation of Discrete Event Simulation. Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference. December, 2010. In: B. Johansson, S. Jain, J. Montoya-Torres, J. Hugan and E. Yücesan (Eds.). pp. 652––664. Baltimore (MD), USA. IEEE. pdf-download
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. Using the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) as a Foundation for General Conceptual Modeling Languages. Theory and Applications of Ontology: Computer Applications. 2010. In: Roberto Poli, Michael Healy and Achilles Kameas (Eds.). pp. 175––196. Springer-Verlag. digital identifier. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Model-Driven Engineering of Second-Life-Style Simulations. Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference. December, 2010. In: B. Johansson, S. Jain, J. Montoya-Torres, J. Hugan and E. Yücesan (Eds.). pp. 791––798. Baltimore (MD), USA. IEEE. pdf-download


  • Ion Mircea Diaconescu and Gerd Wagner. Beliefs and communication, the basis of collaborative agents. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing Agent-Oriented Methodologies (SYNASC). 2009. Timisoara, Romania. IEEE
  • M. Milanović, D. Gašević, A. Giurca, G. Wagner and V. Devedžić. Bridging Concrete and Abstract Syntax in Model Driven Engineering: A Case of Rule Languages. Software: Practice and Experience. 2009. volume 39. number: 16. pp. 1313––1346. digital identifier
  • Milan Milanović, Dragan Gašević, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner, Sergey Lukichev and Vladan Devedžić. Model Transformations to Bridge Concrete and Abstract Syntax of Web Rule Languages. ComSIS Journal. 2009. volume 6. number: 2. pp. 47––85. view
  • Milan Milanović, Dragan Gašević, Gerd Wagner and Vladan Devedžić. Modeling Service Orchestrations with a Rule-enhanced Business Process Language. Proceedings of the 2009 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research. November, 2009. Markham, Ontario, Canada
  • Milan Milanović, Dragan Gašević, Gerd Wagner and Marek Hatala. Rule-enhanced Business Process Modeling Language for Service Choreographies. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2009). October, 2009. In: Andy Schuerr and Bran Selic (Eds.). volume 5795. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 337––341. Denver, Colorado, USA. view
  • Gerd Wagner and Ion-Mircea Diaconescu. AOR-Simulation.org - Cognitive Agent Simulation. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2009). May, 2009. Budapest, Hungary. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner, Oana Nicolae and Jens Werner. Extending Discrete Event Simulation by Adding an Activity Concept for Business Process Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference. December, 2009. In: M. D. Rossetti, R. R. Hill, B. Johansson, A. Dunkin and R. G. Ingalls (Eds.). pp. 2951––2962. Austin, Texas, USA. pdf-download


  • Anastasia Analyti, Grigoris Antoniou, Carlos Viegas Damasio and Gerd Wagner. Extended RDF as a Semantic Foundation of Rule Markup Languages. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 2008. volume 32. pp. 37––94. view
  • Anastasia Analyti, Grigoris Antoniou, Carlos Viegas Damasio and Gerd Wagner. On the Computability and Complexity Issues of Extended RDF. Proceedings of the Tenth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI-08). 2008. LNAI. Springer-Verlag. Extended RDF ontologies, Semantic Web, negation, rules, complexity. pdf-download
  • Ion-Mircea Diaconescu, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Jens Dietrich. Towards a Mapping from ERDF(S) to Take Vocabulary. Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering. September, 2008. In: G. J. Nalepa and J. Baumeister (Eds.). Kaiserslautern, Germany. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. pdf-download
  • Jens Dietrich, Bastian Schenke and Gerd Wagner. On Code Generation for Derived Associations. Proceedings of the 19th Australian Conference on Software Engineering (ASWEC 2008). March, 2008. Perth, Australia. IEEE Computer Society Press
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. What's in a Relationship: An Ontological Analysis. Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER'2008). October, 2008. volume 5231. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 83––97. Barcelona, Spain. Springer-Verlag. pdf-download
  • Milan Milanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Vladan Devedzic. Sharing OCL Constraints by Using Web Rules. Electronic Communications of the European Association of Software Science and Technology. 2008. volume 9. pp. 2––18. view
  • Milan Milanović, Dragan Gašević and Gerd Wagner. Combining Rules and Activities for Modeling Service-Based Business Processes. Proceedings International Workshop on Models and Model-driven Methods for Enterprise Computing (3M4EC), in conjunction with The Twelfth IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2008). 2008. Munich, Germany. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner, Adrian Giurca, Ion-Mircea Diaconescu, Grigoris Antoniou, Anastasia Analyti and Carlos Viegas Damasio. Reasoning on the Web with Open and Closed Predicates. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming to the (Semantic) Web and Web Services (ALPSWS2008). December, 2008. In: Jos de Bruijn, Stijn Heymans, David Pearce, Axel Polleres and Edna Ruckhaus (Eds.). Udine, Italy. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner, Adrian Giurca, Marco Pehla and Jens Werner. Modellierung und Simulation von Multiagenten-Systemen. Forum der Forschung. December, 2008. volume 21. pp. 47––52. issn: 0947-6989. pdf-download


  • Ion-Mircea Diaconescu and Gerd Wagner. Towards a Mapping from Java Vocabulary to RDFS. Proc. of 1st East European Workshop on Rule-Based Applications. September, 2007. pp. 518–522. Timisoara, Romania. IEEE Computer Society. digital identifier. isbn: 0-7695-3078-8. pdf-download
  • Adrian Giurca and Gerd Wagner. Rule Modeling and Interchange. Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing. September, 2007. pp. 485–491. Los Alamitos, CA, USA. IEEE Computer Society. digital identifier. isbn: 0-7695-3078-8
  • Nima Kaviani, Dragan Gasevic, Marek Hatala, David Clement and Gerd Wagner. Integration of Rules and Policies for Semantic Web Services. Int. J. Advanced Media and Communication. 2007. volume 1. number: 4. pp. 404––423
  • Nima Kaviani, Dragan Gasevic, Marek Hatala and Gerd Wagner. Web Rule Languages to Carry Policies. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks. 2007. pp. 188––192. Bologna, Italy. digital identifier
  • Nima Kaviani, Dragan Gasevic, Marek Hatala, Gerd Wagner and Timmy Eap. Exchanging Policies between Web Service Entities using Rule Languages. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Congress on Services (SERVICES 2007), in conjunction with, the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007). 2007. pp. 57–64. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  • Sergey Lukichev, Adrian Giurca and Gerd Wagner. An Integrated Rule Modeling Framework. INFORMATIK 2007. Informatik trifft Logistik. Beitraege der 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fuer Informatik e.V. (GI). September, 2007. volume 109. Bremen, Germany. GI. isbn: 978-3-88579-203-1. issn: 1617-5468
  • Sergey Lukichev, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner, Dragan Gasevic and Marko Ribaric. Using UML-based Rules for Web Services Modeling. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Services Engineering. 2007. In: Vincent Oria, Ahmed Elmagarmid, Fred Lochovsky and Yucel Saygin (Eds.). pp. 290––298. Istanbul, Turkey. IEEE Computer Society. isbn: 1-4244-0832-6
  • Milan Milanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Vladan Devedzic. Model Transformations to Share Rules between SWRL and R2ML. Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE 2007). 2007. Innsbruck, Austria. pdf-download
  • Milan Milanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner, Sergey Lukichev and Vladan Devedzic. Bridging Concrete and Abstract Syntax of Web Rule Languages. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR'2007). 2007. In: M. Marchiori, J.Z. Pan and C. de Sainte Marie (Eds.). pp. 309––318. Innsbruck, Austria. Springer. isbn: 978-3-540-72981-5. pdf-download
  • Milan Milanovic, Nima Kaviani, Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner, Vladan Devedzic and Marek Hatala. Business Process Integration by using General Rule Markup Language. The 11th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2007). 2007. pp. 353––364. Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Technical reports
  • Gerd Wagner, Adrian Giurca, Sergey Lukichev, Oana Nicolae and Ion-Mircea Diaconescu. Case Study 1: Userv product Derby 2005. March, 2007. pdf-download


  • Ontologies, Metamodels, and the Model-Driven Paradigm. pdf-download. pp. 249––274. In: Coral Calero, Francisco Ruiz and Mario Piattini (Eds.). 2007.09.17. AssmannZW06. Springer-Verlag. 2006Uwe Assmann, Steffen Zschaler and Gerd Wagner. Ontologies for Software Engineering and Technology.
  • Costin Badica, Adrian Giurca and Gerd Wagner. Using Rules and R2ML for Modeling Negotiation Mechanisms in E-Commerce Agent Systems. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture, TEAA2006. November, 2006. In: Dirk Draheim and Gerald Weber (Eds.). volume 4473. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 84–99. Springer. pdf-download
  • Carlos Viegas Damasio, Anastasia Analyti, Grigoris Antoniou and Gerd Wagner. Supporting Open and Closed World Reasoning on the Web. Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning. 2006. In: Jose Julio Alferes, James Bailey, Wolfgang May and Uta Schwertel (Eds.). volume 4187. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 149––163. Budva, Montenegro. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. digital identifier
  • Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Sergey Lukichev and Gerd Wagner. Rule-Based Modeling of Semantic Web Services. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE 2006). 2006. Athens, GA, U.S.A. pdf-download
  • Adrian Giurca, Sergey Lukichev and Gerd Wagner. Modeling Web Services with URML. Proceedings of Semantics for Business Process Management (SBPM 2006), workshop at the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference. 2006. Budva, Montenegro. pdf-download
  • Nima Kaviani, Dragan Gasevic, Marek Hatala, David Clement and Gerd Wagner. Towards Unifying Rules and Policies for Semantic Web Services. Proceedings of the 3rd annual e-learning conference on Intelligent Interactive Learning Object Repositories. November, 2006. Montreal, Canada
  • Sergey Lukichev and Gerd Wagner. UML-Based Rule Modeling with Fujaba. Proceedings of the 4th International Fujaba Days 2006, University of Bayreuth, Germany. 2006. In: Holger Giese and Bernhard Westfechtel (Eds.). pp. 31––35. pdf-download
  • Sergey Lukichev and Gerd Wagner. Visual Rules Modeling. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference Perspectives of Systems Informatics. 2006. In: Irina Virbitskaite and Andrei Voronkov (Eds.). volume 4378. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 467––673. Springer. isbn: 978-3-540-70880-3. pdf-download
  • Milan Milanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Vladan Devedzic. On Interchanging Between OWL/SWRL and UML/OCL. Proceedings of the OCLApps Workshop. 2006. pp. 81––95. Genova, Italy. isbn: ISSN 1430-211X. pdf-download
  • Milan Milanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Vladan Devedzic. Sharing OWL/SWRL and UML/OCL Rules. Proceedings of ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2006). 2006. Genova, Italy. pdf-download
  • Milan Milanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Vladan Devedzic. Towards Sharing Rules between OWL/SWRL and UML/OCL. Electronic Communications of the EASST. 2006. volume 5. view
  • Adrian Paschke, Jens Dietrich, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Sergey Lukichev. On Self-Validating Rule Bases. Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE 2006). 2006. Athens, GA, U.S.A. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner, Adrian Giurca and Sergey Lukichev. A Usable Interchange Format for Rich Syntax Rules Integrating OCL, RuleML and SWRL. Proceedings of Reasoning on the Web. 2006. Edinburgh, Scotland. pdf-download


  • Anastasia Analyti, Grigoris Antoniou, Carlos Viegas Damasio and Gerd Wagner. Stable Model Theory for Extended RDF Ontologies. Proceedings of the 4th International Semantic Web Conference. 2005. In: Yolanda Gil, Enrico Motta, V. Richard Benjamins and Mark A. Musen (Eds.). volume 3729. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). pp. 21––36. Galway, Ireland. Springer-Verlag. digital identifier. isbn: 3-540-29754-5. pdf-download
  • Harold Boley, Mike Dean, Benjamin Grosof, Michael Kifer, Said Tabet and Gerd Wagner. RuleML Position Statement. Proceedings of W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability. 2005. Washington, DC, USA. W3C. view
  • Harold Boley, Jing Mei, Michael Sintek and Gerd Wagner. RDF/RuleML Interoperability. Proceedings of W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability. 2005. Washington, DC, USA. W3C. view
  • Adrian Giurca and Gerd Wagner. Towards an Abstract Syntax and Direct-Model Theoretic Semantics for RuleML. Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web, First International Conference, RuleML 2005. 2005. In: Asaf Adi, Suzette Stoutenburg and Said Tabet (Eds.). volume 3791. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 45––55. Galway, Ireland. Springer. digital identifier. isbn: 3-540-29922-X. pdf-download
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. Towards Ontological Foundations for Agent Modeling Concepts Using the Unified Fundational Ontology (UFO). Agent-Oriented Information Systems II, 6th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2004, Riga, Latvia, June 8, 2004, and New York, NY, USA, July 20, 2004, Revised Selected Papers. 2005. In: Paolo Bresciani, Paolo Giorgini, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham Low and Michael Winikoff (Eds.). volume 3508. LNAI. pp. 110––124. Springer-Verlag. digital identifier. isbn: 3-540-25911-2. pdf-download
  • Said Tabet, Gerd Wagner, Silvie Spreeuwenberg, Paul D. Vincent, Gonzaques Jacques, Christian de Sainte Marie, Jon Pellant, Jim Frank and Jacques Durand. OMG Production Rule Representation - Context and Current Status. Proceedings of W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability. 2005. Washington, DC, USA. W3C. view
  • Gerd Wagner. Rule Modeling and Markup. Tutorial Lectures of the First International Summer School Reasoning Web 2005. 2005. In: Norbert Eisinger and Jan Maluszynski (Eds.). volume 3564. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 251––274. Msida, Malta. Springer. digital identifier. isbn: 3-540-27828-1
  • Gerd Wagner, Carlos Viegas Damasio and Grigoris Antoniou. Towards a General Web Rule Language. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology. 2005. pp. 181 – 206. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner, Adrian Giurca and Sergey Lukichev. A General Markup Framework for Integrity and Derivation Rules. Principles and Practices of Semantic Web Reasoning. 2005. In: Francois Bry, Francois Fages, Massimo Marchiori and Hans-Juergen Ohlbach (Eds.). number: 5371. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings. Dagstuhl, Germany. Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik(IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. issn: 1862-4405. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner and Kuldar Taveter. Towards Radical Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Processes Based on AOR Modeling. Agent-Oriented Methodologies. 2005. In: B. Henderson-Sellers and P. Giorgini (Eds.). pp. 277––316. Idea Group Publishing


  • Anastasia Analyti, Grigoris Antoniou, Carlos Viegas Damasio and Gerd Wagner. Negation and Negative Information in the W3C Resource Description Framework. Annals of Mathematics, Computing and Teleinformatics. 2004. volume 1. number: 2. pp. 25––34. RDF, negation, partial logic. pdf-download
  • Grigoris Antoniou, Antonis Bikakis and Gerd Wagner. A System for Nonmonotonic Rules on the Web. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web. 2004. In: Grigoris Antoniou and Harold Boley (Eds.). volume 3323. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 23––36. Hiroshima, Japan. Springer. digital identifier. isbn: 3-540-23842-5
  • Grigoris Antoniou, Antonis Bikakis and Gerd Wagner. A Defeasible Logic Programming System for the Web. Proceedings of 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2004). 2004. pp. 756––757. Boca Raton, FL, USA. IEEE Computer Society. digital identifier. isbn: 0-7695-2236-X
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi and Gerd Wagner. A Unified Foundational Ontology and some Applications of it in Business Modeling. Proceedings of the CAiSE'04 Workshops. 2004. In: Janis Grundspenkis and Marite Kirikova (Eds.). volume 3. pp. 129––143. Riga, Latvia. Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia. isbn: 9984-9767-3-4. pdf-download
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi, Gerd Wagner, Nicola Guarino and Marten van Sinderen. An Ontologically Well-Founded Profile for UML Conceptual Models. Proceedings 16th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering CAiSE 2004. 2004. In: Anne Persson and Janis Stirna (Eds.). volume 3084. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 112––126. Riga, Latvia. Springer-Verlag. digital identifier. isbn: 3-540-22151-4. pdf-download
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi, Gerd Wagner and Heinrich Herre. On the Foundations of UML as an Ontology Representation Language. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Engineering Knowledgein the Age of the Semantic Web EKAW 2004. 2004. In: Enrico Motta, Nigel Shadbolt, Arthur Stutt and Nicholas Gibbins (Eds.). volume 3257. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 47––62. Whittlebury Hall, UK. Springer. digital identifier. isbn: 3-540-23340-7. pdf-download
  • Giancarlo Guizzardi, Gerd Wagner and Marten van Sinderen. A Formal Theory of Conceptual Modeling Universals. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Philosophy and Informatics WSPI '04. 2004. In: Gregor Buchel, Bertin Klein and Thomas Roth-Berghofer (Eds.). volume 112. CEUR Workshop Proc.. Cologne, Germany. CEUR-WS.org. pdf-download
  • Jeroen van Luin, Florin Tulba and Gerd Wagner. Remodeling the Beer Game as an Agent-Object-Relationship Simulation. Proceedings of Workshop 2003: Agent-Based Simulation 5. 2004. pp. 5–10. Lisbon, Portugal. SCS European Publishing House. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. AOR Modelling and Simulation - Towards a General Architecture for Agent-Based Discrete Event Simulation. Proceedings of International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS). 2004. In: P. Giorgini et al. (Eds.). volume 3030. LNAI. pp. 174––188. Springer-Verlag. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner, Grigoris Antoniou, Said Tabet and Harold Boley. The Abstract Syntax of RuleML - Towards a General Web Rule Language Framework. Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence(WI 2004). 2004. pp. 628––631. Beijing, China. IEEE Computer Society. isbn: 0-7695-2100-2


  • Giancarlo Guizzardi, Heinrich Herre and Gerd Wagner. On the General Ontological Foundations of Conceptual Modeling. Conceptual Modeling - ER 2002. October, 2003. In: Stefano Spaccapietra, Salvatore T. March and Yahiko Kambayashi (Eds.). volume 2503. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 65––78. Tampere, Finland. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Web Rules Need Two Kinds of Negation. Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop, PPSWR '03. 2003. In: F. Bry, N. Henze and J. Maluszynski (Eds.). volume 2901. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). pp. 33––50. Springer-Verlag. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. A UML Profile for External Agent-Object Relationship (AOR) Models. Agent-Oriented Software Engineering III: Third International Workshop, AOSE 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 15, 2002. Revised Papers and Invited Contributions. 2003. volume 2585. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). pp. 138–149. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. The Agent-Object-Relationship Meta-Model: Towards a Unified View of State and Behavior. Information Systems. 2003. volume 28. number: 5. pp. 475––504. pdf-download
  • Gerd Wagner. Seven Golden Rules for a Web Rule Language. IEEE Intelligent Systems. September, 2003. volume 18. number: 5. pdf-download


  • Giancarlo Guizzardi, Heinrich Herre and Gerd Wagner. Towards Ontological Foundations for UML Conceptual Models. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, Proc. of Confederated International Conferences DOA, CoopIS and ODBASE. October, 2002. In: Robert Meersman and Zahir Tari (Eds.). volume 2519. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. pp. 1100–1117. Irvine, California, USA. Springer. pdf-download


  • Kuldar Taveter and Gerd Wagner. Agent-Oriented Enterprise Modeling Based on Business Rules. Proc. of 20th Int. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling (ER2001). November, 2001. volume 2224. LNCS. pp. 527––540. Yokohama, Japan. Springer-Verlag. pdf-download


  • Heinrich Herre, Jan O. M. Jaspars and Gerd Wagner. Partial Logics with Two Kinds of Negation as a Foundation for Knowledge-Based Reasoning. What is Negation?. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1999. In: D.M. Gabbay and H. Wansing (Eds.). pdf-download


  • Gerd Wagner. Foundations of Knowledge Systems with Applications to Databases and Agents. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998. pdf-download


  • Gerd Wagner. A Database Needs Two Kinds of Negation. 3rd Symposium on Mathematical Fundamentals of Database and KnowledgeBase Systems. 1991. In: B. Talheim and H.D. Gerhardt (Eds.). volume 495. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). pp. 357––371. Springer-Verlag